Rectángulo 20

Dra. Karla Gambetta


Cirujano Dentista, Universidad de Talca.
Master of Dental Science by Research, Universidad de Melbourne, Australia.
PhD- Dentistry, Universidad de Melbourne, Australia.

  • Directora del Departamento de Rehabilitación Buco-Maxilofacial, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad de Talca.
  • Miembro titular del Comité Ético Científico, Universidad de Talca y Servicio de Salud del Maule.
  • Directora de la Sociedad Chilena de Salud Pública Oral (SOCHISPO).
  • Investigadora y colaboradora en proyectos de Investigación nacionales e internacionales.

Oral Epidemiology and Statistics, Education in Health Sciences, Oral Health and Cariology, Research Methods, Migrant health, Intercultural Health.

1. Health promoting attributes in dental students
Institution: Melbourne Dental School, The University of Melbourne, Australia.
Authors: Gambetta-Tessini K, Mariño R, Morgan M.
Role: Researcher
Period: 2009 – 2012

2. Comparative studies of demarcated hypomineralised lesions of enamel and their fluorescence properties.
Institution: Melbourne Dental School, The University of Melbourne, Australia.
Authors: Gambetta-Tessini K, Mariño R, Ghanim A, Calache H, Manton DJ.
Role: Researcher
Period: 2013 – 2017

3. Research and Innovation for Teaching: Feedback Strategies in Health Science Education
Institution: Universidad Autónoma de Chile
Authors: Gambetta-Tessini K, and UES (medical education unit).
Role: Principal Researcher
Period: 2017 to 2019

4. Health in Migrant Communities in the Maule Region
Institution: Universidad Autónoma de Chile
Authors: Gambetta-Tessini K, Reyes Y, Ayala L, Orellana RP.
Role: Principal Researcher
Period: 2017 to 2019

5. Data analysis of Oral Health in the National Health Survey 2016-17
Institution: Universidad de Talca
Authors: Gambetta-Tessini K, Fernandez CE, Arenas MJ
Role: Principal Researcher
Period: 2019 to date

• Bite support device to improve toothbrushing technique in special need children of Talca city. A Randomized
Controlled Clinical Trial
Institution: Universidad de Talca
Authors: Morales-Ferreiro J, Orellana C, Vargas H y Gambetta-Tessini K.
Role: Researcher
Period: 2019 to date

• Impact of COVID-19 in Dental Students
Institution: University of Iowa and University of Talca
Authors: Leonardo Marchini, Soraya León, Karla Gambetta
Role: Researcher
Period: 2020

  1. Articulos
    1. Gambetta-Tessini K, Mariño R, Morgan M, Evans W, Anderson V. Stress and Health-promoting Attributes in Australian/New Zealand and Chilean Dental Students. J Dent Educ. 2013. Vol 77(6); 801-809.
    2. Gambetta-Tessini K, Mariño R, Morgan M. Socio-demographic characteristics and career choices amongst Chilean dental students. J Oral Res. 2014. Vol 3(2); 83-893.
    3. Gambetta-Tessini K, Mariño R, Calache H, Ghanim A, Manton D. Knowledge, experience and perceptions regarding Molar-Incisor Hypomineralisation (MIH) amongst Australian and Chilean public oral health care practitioners. BMC Oral Health.2016;16(1):1-9.
    4. Gambetta-Tessini K, Mariño R, Morgan M, Anderson V. Coping strategies and the Salutogenic Model in future oral health professionals. BMC Med Educ. 2016;16(1):1-8.
    5. Gambetta-Tessini K, Mariño R, Adams G, Ghanim A, Manton D. Validation of quantitative light-induced fluorescence-digital in the quantification of demarcated hypomineralized lesions of enamel. J Invest Clin Dent. 2017;00:e12259.
    6. Gambetta-Tessini K, Ghanim A, Mariño R, Calache H, Manton D. Carious lesion severity and demarcated hypomineralised lesions of tooth enamel in schoolchildren from Melbourne, Australia. Aust Dent J. 2018; doi:10.1111/adj.12626.
    7. Gambetta-Tessini K, Ghanim A, Mariño R, Calache H, Manton D. The impact of MIH/HSPM on the carious lesion severity in schoolchildren from Talca, Chile. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent. 2019. 019-00416-w
    8. Leon S, Gonzalez K, Hugo FN, Gambetta-Tessini K, Giacaman RA. High fluoride dentifrice for preventing and arresting root caries in community-dwelling older adults: A randomized controlled clinical trial. J Dent. 2019. 86;110-17.
    9. Muñoz C, Gambetta-Tessini K, Giacaman RA. Microcavitated (ICDAS 3) Carious Lesion Arrest with Resin or Glass Ionomer Sealants in First Permanent Molars; a Randomized Controlled Trial. J Dent. In Press
    10. Orellana C, Bascuñan K, Gambetta-Tessini K, Perez V. Underdiagnosis of enamel defects in Family Health Centres of Talca city, Chile. J Oral Res 2020. Accepted
    11. Gonzalez D, Gambetta-Tessini K. Strategies to improve Feedback in disciplinary workshops of Health Sciences careers. Educ Med 2020. Accepted.
  2. Premios
    1. Education Research Group. Student Travel Award. IADR General Session. Iguazu Falls, Brazil. 201
    2. OSCH Single Cover for Graduate Research Students. The University of Melbourne. 2013
    3. International Fee Remission Scholarship. The University of Melbourne 2015
    4. Best Poster Presentation. Category Orthodontics. III Jornada de Investigación en Odontología. Temuco, Chile. 2017
    5. The J. Morita Post-Doctoral Award, Geriatric Oral Research Group. IADR General Session, Vancouver, Canada. 2019
    6. Best Research in Prevention and Oral Health (Perioaid). XXXI IADR Chilean Division, Santiago, Chile. 2019
    7. Best Research in Periodontics (Chilean Periodontic Society). XXXI IADR Chilean Division, Santiago, Chile. 2019
    8. Best Poster Presentation in 4th International Cariology Meeting, Santiago, Chile. 2019
    9. TravelFellowship in 67th ORCA Congress, Cagliari, Italy. 2020