Dra. Karla Gambetta
Cirujano Dentista, Universidad de Talca.
Master of Dental Science by Research, Universidad de Melbourne, Australia.
PhD- Dentistry, Universidad de Melbourne, Australia.
- Directora del Departamento de Rehabilitación Buco-Maxilofacial, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad de Talca.
- Miembro titular del Comité Ético Científico, Universidad de Talca y Servicio de Salud del Maule.
- Directora de la Sociedad Chilena de Salud Pública Oral (SOCHISPO).
- Investigadora y colaboradora en proyectos de Investigación nacionales e internacionales.
Oral Epidemiology and Statistics, Education in Health Sciences, Oral Health and Cariology, Research Methods, Migrant health, Intercultural Health.
1. Health promoting attributes in dental students
Institution: Melbourne Dental School, The University of Melbourne, Australia.
Authors: Gambetta-Tessini K, Mariño R, Morgan M.
Role: Researcher
Period: 2009 – 2012
2. Comparative studies of demarcated hypomineralised lesions of enamel and their fluorescence properties.
Institution: Melbourne Dental School, The University of Melbourne, Australia.
Authors: Gambetta-Tessini K, Mariño R, Ghanim A, Calache H, Manton DJ.
Role: Researcher
Period: 2013 – 2017
3. Research and Innovation for Teaching: Feedback Strategies in Health Science Education
Institution: Universidad Autónoma de Chile
Authors: Gambetta-Tessini K, and UES (medical education unit).
Role: Principal Researcher
Period: 2017 to 2019
4. Health in Migrant Communities in the Maule Region
Institution: Universidad Autónoma de Chile
Authors: Gambetta-Tessini K, Reyes Y, Ayala L, Orellana RP.
Role: Principal Researcher
Period: 2017 to 2019
5. Data analysis of Oral Health in the National Health Survey 2016-17
Institution: Universidad de Talca
Authors: Gambetta-Tessini K, Fernandez CE, Arenas MJ
Role: Principal Researcher
Period: 2019 to date
• Bite support device to improve toothbrushing technique in special need children of Talca city. A Randomized
Controlled Clinical Trial
Institution: Universidad de Talca
Authors: Morales-Ferreiro J, Orellana C, Vargas H y Gambetta-Tessini K.
Role: Researcher
Period: 2019 to date
• Impact of COVID-19 in Dental Students
Institution: University of Iowa and University of Talca
Authors: Leonardo Marchini, Soraya León, Karla Gambetta
Role: Researcher
Period: 2020
- Articulos
- Gambetta-Tessini K, Mariño R, Morgan M, Evans W, Anderson V. Stress and Health-promoting Attributes in Australian/New Zealand and Chilean Dental Students. J Dent Educ. 2013. Vol 77(6); 801-809.
- Gambetta-Tessini K, Mariño R, Morgan M. Socio-demographic characteristics and career choices amongst Chilean dental students. J Oral Res. 2014. Vol 3(2); 83-893.
- Gambetta-Tessini K, Mariño R, Calache H, Ghanim A, Manton D. Knowledge, experience and perceptions regarding Molar-Incisor Hypomineralisation (MIH) amongst Australian and Chilean public oral health care practitioners. BMC Oral Health.2016;16(1):1-9.
- Gambetta-Tessini K, Mariño R, Morgan M, Anderson V. Coping strategies and the Salutogenic Model in future oral health professionals. BMC Med Educ. 2016;16(1):1-8.
- Gambetta-Tessini K, Mariño R, Adams G, Ghanim A, Manton D. Validation of quantitative light-induced fluorescence-digital in the quantification of demarcated hypomineralized lesions of enamel. J Invest Clin Dent. 2017;00:e12259. https://doi.org/10.1111/jicd.12259.
- Gambetta-Tessini K, Ghanim A, Mariño R, Calache H, Manton D. Carious lesion severity and demarcated hypomineralised lesions of tooth enamel in schoolchildren from Melbourne, Australia. Aust Dent J. 2018; doi:10.1111/adj.12626.
- Gambetta-Tessini K, Ghanim A, Mariño R, Calache H, Manton D. The impact of MIH/HSPM on the carious lesion severity in schoolchildren from Talca, Chile. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent. 2019. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40368- 019-00416-w
- Leon S, Gonzalez K, Hugo FN, Gambetta-Tessini K, Giacaman RA. High fluoride dentifrice for preventing and arresting root caries in community-dwelling older adults: A randomized controlled clinical trial. J Dent. 2019. 86;110-17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdent.2019.06.002
- Muñoz C, Gambetta-Tessini K, Giacaman RA. Microcavitated (ICDAS 3) Carious Lesion Arrest with Resin or Glass Ionomer Sealants in First Permanent Molars; a Randomized Controlled Trial. J Dent. In Press https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdent.2019.07.001
- Orellana C, Bascuñan K, Gambetta-Tessini K, Perez V. Underdiagnosis of enamel defects in Family Health Centres of Talca city, Chile. J Oral Res 2020. Accepted
- Gonzalez D, Gambetta-Tessini K. Strategies to improve Feedback in disciplinary workshops of Health Sciences careers. Educ Med 2020. Accepted.
- Premios
- Education Research Group. Student Travel Award. IADR General Session. Iguazu Falls, Brazil. 201
- OSCH Single Cover for Graduate Research Students. The University of Melbourne. 2013
- International Fee Remission Scholarship. The University of Melbourne 2015
- Best Poster Presentation. Category Orthodontics. III Jornada de Investigación en Odontología. Temuco, Chile. 2017
- The J. Morita Post-Doctoral Award, Geriatric Oral Research Group. IADR General Session, Vancouver, Canada. 2019
- Best Research in Prevention and Oral Health (Perioaid). XXXI IADR Chilean Division, Santiago, Chile. 2019
- Best Research in Periodontics (Chilean Periodontic Society). XXXI IADR Chilean Division, Santiago, Chile. 2019
- Best Poster Presentation in 4th International Cariology Meeting, Santiago, Chile. 2019
- TravelFellowship in 67th ORCA Congress, Cagliari, Italy. 2020